Cebu Cuisine: The Best Tasting Lechon in Cebu

"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world." -J.R.R. Tolkien
Proclaimed as the best pig he had ever tasted, Anthony Bourdain has propelled Cebu's most favorite food staple into world recognition. Known for its crispy skin and succulent flesh dripping in pig fat, there has never been any doubt that Cebu's lechon is the best roast pig rendition you will find anywhere in the Philippines--or even the world. A ubiquitous presence during momentous occasions such as weddings, birthdays, graduations and even fiestas, the lechon remains to be the star of every Filipino's dinner table that without it, a feast would feel sorely lacking. In fact, it has been shown that tourists, travelers and most notably foreign bloggers would visit Cebu and book cheap Cebu hotels just to sample a taste of this world-renowned dish--much like Anthony Bourdain did.

However, Cebuanos are known to be rather passionate about their lechon--so much so that when one pronounces a preferred lechon house to be better than the other, it would spark a debate. To circumvent that, this article has listed all the best-tasting lechon houses you can find in Cebu. If you ever find yourself in the Queen City of the South, the mecca of all things lechon, go ahead and go on a lechon food trip and find out for yourself which is the best one with these lechon places below:

1.) Carcar Lechon

Known to be the lechon with the "sauce" (which is actually just the pig's juices), what makes Carcar lechon so great is the fact that for most of the time, you can eat it for free. You do not believe us? Just head on over to  Carcar's lechon market and you will be immediately swarmed by lechon vendors practically pushing lechon skin onto your face for you to take a bite. Apart from the fact that the first taste you get is free, the lechon's meat is incredibly flavorful and the seasoning is well distributed and absorbed all over the pig's body.

2.) Alejo's Lechon

Considered to be the lechon with the crunchiest skin, Alejo's made a name for itself by stuffing their lechon with lemongrass and giving it the right amount of saltiness to make each bite succulently delicious. Just a single whiff of their newly roasted lechon would be enough to make you salivate all over the concrete. Tender, juicy and incredibly crunchy are just some of the great things one can say about Alejo's lechon.

3.) Rico's Lechon

Known to be a Cebuano favorite, Rico's lechon has managed to survive branch closures all over the city with its last remaining establishment located in Mactan. While getting to sample their lechon fare would take you a bit of a long commute or drive, it would all be very much worth it. Rico's lechon took his culinary endeavors to revolutionary heights by being the first lechonero to ever serve lechon in a classy and upscale restaurant setting. Back then, lechon was enjoyed mostly in lechon houses that were more or less like eateries or Filipino carenderias, but Rico radically changed the game. Apart from the sophisticated dining milieu, Rico's is also known for their tasty and delectable lechon--being the first to have a spicy version!

4.) CNT Lechon

Considered as the benchmark of tasty lechon, CNT definitely takes the cake when it comes to juicy and delicious lechon. They have been running their business for over two decades now, so they would definitely know a thing or two about lechon preparation. In fact, some of Cebu's oldest residents would only go for this type of lechon as they are more familiar to the taste and it reminds them of home.

5.)  Zubuchon

Zubuchon is the very same lechon house that served Anthony Bourdain which he proclaimed as the best pig ever. The lechon house is famed for feeding their pigs only organic food such as fruits and vegetables which is said to contribute to its excellent taste. As Zubuchon is now an established name in the the industry, branches can be found all over Cebu as well as in Makati City.

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